
PHP 8.4: Mbstring: 新增 mb_trim、mb_ltrim 和 mb_rtrim 函数

926 2024-02-09 14:35:00

PHP 8.4 为现有的 trimltrimrtrim 函数添加了等效的 mb_ 函数。

trim/ltrim/rtrim 函数在字符串的开头和结尾都去掉空白字符。默认情况下,这会去掉空空格( )、制表符(\t)、LF(\n)、CR(\r)、NUL字节(\0)和垂直制表符(\v)字符。

新的 mb_trimmb_ltrimmb_rtrim 函数支持多字节字符串,也支持修剪任何多字节字符。修剪的空白字符的默认列表也会更新,以包括 Unicode Z 块和其他一些通常被修剪的字符。需要修剪的字符列表可以指定为可选参数。

trim() 函数及其变体支持使用 标记定义字符范围。比如,trim('testABC', 'A…E') 相当于 trim('testABC', 'ABCDE')。这是 mb_trim() 及其变体所不支持的。


mb_trim 函数


 * Multi-byte safely strip white-spaces (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.  
 * @param string $string The string that will be trimmed.  
 * @param string $characters Optionally, the stripped characters can also be specified using the $characters parameter. Simply list all characters that you want to be stripped.  
 * @param string|null $encoding The encoding parameter is the character encoding.  
 * @return string The trimmed string.  
function mb_trim(string $string, string $characters = " \f\n\r\t\v\x00\u{00A0}\u{1680}\u{2000}\u{2001}\u{2002}\u{2003}\u{2004}\u{2005}\u{2006}\u{2007}\u{2008}\u{2009}\u{200A}\u{2028}\u{2029}\u{202F}\u{205F}\u{3000}\u{0085}\u{180E}", ?string $encoding = null): string {}



 * Multi-byte safely strip white-spaces (or other characters) from the beginning of a string.  
 * @param string $string The string that will be trimmed.  
 * @param string $characters Optionally, the stripped characters can also be specified using the $characters parameter. Simply list all characters that you want to be stripped.  
 * @param string|null $encoding The encoding parameter is the character encoding.  
 * @return string The trimmed string.  
function mb_ltrim(string $string, string $characters = " \f\n\r\t\v\x00\u{00A0}\u{1680}\u{2000}\u{2001}\u{2002}\u{2003}\u{2004}\u{2005}\u{2006}\u{2007}\u{2008}\u{2009}\u{200A}\u{2028}\u{2029}\u{202F}\u{205F}\u{3000}\u{0085}\u{180E}", ?string $encoding = null): string {}



 * Multi-byte safely strip white-spaces (or other characters) from the end of a string.  
 * @param string $string The string that will be trimmed.  
 * @param string $characters Optionally, the stripped characters can also be specified using the $characters parameter. Simply list all characters that you want to be stripped.  
 * @param string|null $encoding The encoding parameter is the character encoding.  
 * @return string The trimmed string.  
function mb_rtrim(string $string, string $characters = " \f\n\r\t\v\x00\u{00A0}\u{1680}\u{2000}\u{2001}\u{2002}\u{2003}\u{2004}\u{2005}\u{2006}\u{2007}\u{2008}\u{2009}\u{200A}\u{2028}\u{2029}\u{202F}\u{205F}\u{3000}\u{0085}\u{180E}", ?string $encoding = null): string {


下表显示了默认情况下 trim()(包括 ltrim()rtrim()) 和 mb_trim() 函数(包括 mb_ltrim()mb_rtrim()) 去除的字符。

NameCharacter(s)/RegexpUnicode/Regex representationRemoved by trim()Removed by mb_trim
Space \u{0020}
End of Line\n\u{0009}
Line Tabulation\v\u{000B}
Carriage Return\r\u{000D}
Form Feed\f\u{000D}
Unicode Space Separator\p{Z} 
Null bytes\0 
Next Line\u{0085} 
Mongolian Vowel Separator\u{180E} 

用户空间 PHP Polyfill

可以使用带有正则表达式的用户端 PHP 来模拟新的 mb_trimmb_ltrimmb_rtrim 函数的功能。

请参阅 PHPWatch/mb_trim-polyfill,以获取为旧PHP版本提供这些新函数的完整 polyfill。此 polyfill 可以通过 composer 安装:

composer require phpwatch/mb-trim-polyfill


mb_trimmb_ltrimmb_rtrim 是在全局名称空间中声明的新函数。除非存在具有相同名称的函数,否则此修改不会造成任何向后兼容性影响。

可以在用户端 PHP 代码中实现这些功能。